, multi=False, check_symmetry=True)

Internal function; reads through a Rosetta silent file and yields only the lines that the library knows how to parse.

For each “parsable” line, it yields 4 values:

order type content
1 str data of the line
2 bool is line header?
3 int name of the readed file
4 bool does the file contain symmetry info?
  • filename (Union[str, list()]) – file name, file pattern to search or list of files.
  • multi (bool) – Tell if a file name (single file) or pattern (multifile) is provided.
  • check_symmetry (bool) – Check if the silent file contains symmetry info.

Union[str, bool, int, bool]

IOError:if filename cannot be found.
IOError:if filename pattern (multi=True) generates no files.