
This is where you’ll find the most up-to-date information on who we are, what we’re working on, what we’ve done, and how we did it. And how you can, too!

Lab contacts

Head of the laboratory

Prof. Bruno Correia
Office : AAB 244
T : +41 (0) 21 693 61 66
Email : bruno.correia@epfl.ch


Fabienne Rudin
Office : AAB 245
T : +41 (0) 21 693 71 74
Email : fabienne.rudin@epfl.ch

Mailing Address

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Institut of Bioingineering
AI 3138
CH- 1015 Lausanne

Design and Implementation

We were inspired by Dr. Allan Drummond’s clean, elegant, and functional site. More than inspired–we have branched the code and only made some small changes and addititions.

The site uses Jekyll Bootstrap, and is deployed using GitHub Pages, which combines source-code control and hosting in a most pleasant way. Modify, test locally, push, and it’s live.

Keeping with a major Jekyll Bootstrap idea, the site separates content and presentation. Presentation information is stored in a new theme, the lab theme, which may be useful to other research groups setting up sites.

By using Sass for stylesheets, the site gets virtually all the advantages of using Less, while exploiting native Sass support in GitHub Pages. The site uses Google Fonts as well, primarily Open Sans.

The site’s source code is freely available on GitHub. All code is placed under the MIT license.